20 things you don’t know about Maggie Fromm

Maggie Fromm is a real estate agent with Gabler.
Provided by Maggie FrommMaggie Fromm is a real estate salesperson with Gabler Realty. She’s worked in home buying and selling since 2015. Fromm is a Capital Region native and Guilderland High School graduate.
The social media maven started her career in real estate working for a local builder in a role called “selections coordinator.” She helped buyers choose interior finishes for new homes.
Recently, Fromm started taking the staging part of her business more seriously by stocking inventory.
“My husband got tired of our furniture, pillows and lamps disappearing from our home to my client’s homes,” says Fromm.
The real estate agent launched a podcast called “House Coffee” in December with her friend Rich Sarnacki who owns Storied Coffee in Scotia. The duo share stories about the ups and downs of their businesses and how they intersect.
You can follow Fromm, who is today’s 20 things, on Instagram.

Maggie Fromm is a real estate agent with Gabler.

1. I have legally changed both my first and my last name. My birth certificate reads Margaret Grace Olson. When I got married in 2011, I changed my last name to Fromm. In 2018, I legally changed my first name to Maggie to comply with NYDOS advertising guidelines as a licensed real estate salesperson.

2. I double majored in broadcasting and cinema screen studies at SUNY Oswego where I met my husband, Brandon. While I was filming my final capstone movie, a comedy about a flower shop robbery, someone called the cops on us because they thought the store was actually being robbed. The entire block was surrounded by police and we were held at gunpoint, face down on the sidewalk.

3. I’ve had two surgeries in my life, both on my face. The first was in 2010 while I was traveling in South Africa I had tubes put in my ears to relieve a massive double ear infection. The second was in 2014 to repair a deviated septum that happened while playing roller hockey when I was 17.

4. I am the fifth child of seven children (yes, from the same parents, because everyone asks). I have five sisters and one brother. I have 16 nieces and nephews, but no children of my own.