The 6,000 home garden village plan in Hampshire that’s over 15 years in the making

Welborne Garden Village is a development more than a decade in the making.
But the development has taken one step closer to certainty after Hampshire County Council confirmed it would be looking for a contractor to undertake roadworks around Junction 10 of the M27, the turning for the A32 and Wickham.
The plans include an upgrade of the M27 to an all moves junction that allows drivers to both join and leave the motorway in both directions at Junction 10.
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It is proposed that this will help to connect Welborne and Fareham to Portsmouth to the east and Southampton to the west.
Fareham Borough Council approved the outline planning application for Welborne on July 23 following an increase in the developer’s contribution to M27 Junction 10 to as much as £50m.
Buckland Development Limited proposes to build a new community of up to 6,000 homes, a district centre and smaller village centre. This will include shops and community facilities and commercial, industrial, warehousing and employment space.
Also highlighted in the plans are proposals for a secondary school and three primary schools.

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The developers have also stated they are committed to green initiatives saying: “Our approach is to protect and enhance sensitive habitats whilst encouraging new diverse environments in the parks, open spaces, community gardens, allotments and tree-lined streets.”
The council approved the outline planning application from Buckland Development with Councillor Sean Woodward, Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council saying: “Welborne Garden Village is critical to providing much-needed housing in Fareham in the coming decades and I am delighted that we are now within touching distance of getting this underway.”
The next stages of the project will involve the signing of a Planning Agreement which sets out the legal framework for delivery of key elements of Welborne Garden Village such as affordable housing, schools, community facilities, roads and provision of healthcare.
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